Lesbian Life Blog

My Life, My Struggles & Being a Woman in a Man's World

The Podcasts

Sometimes the pressure can be too much. You can release some steam at work in several ways without
saying something you’ll regret later.

Step 1: Take breaks
Go for a drive, wander in the park, or browse the local bookstore at lunch.

Step 2: Stretch in the office
If you have your own office, stop everything, lie on the floor, and stretch, relax, or practice deep breathing exercises.

Step 3: Clean up
Clean your desk and reorganize your workspace. Expending energy by standing up and moving around might get your mind off irritating situations, and having a clean, organized workspace will calm you down.

Step 4: Listen to music
Listen to music to soothe your emotions. If your company doesn’t aloud headphones at work, go out to your car and listen to music in the parking lot on your break. Music releases endorphins and recharges you.

Step 5: Joke around
Take a break. Talk to coworkers at the coffee machine or while waiting for a meeting to start. Tell a joke or story to cheer a coworker, which will have the same effect on you. Laughter in the workplace promotes creativity and strengthens relationships.

Step 6: Talk to a loved one
Really burned up? Step outside and give a family member or friend a call to vent your frustrations. Talking to someone who’s not involved in the situation might give you some needed perspective.

Johnson & Johnson’s workplace preventative health care programs helped reduce employee incidents of high blood pressure from 14 to 6 percent from the late 1990s to 2006.

Category:Aliya Leigh Live - Podcast -- posted at: 7:29pm EDT

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